One of our presidential candidates seems to think it is okay to use false information to make a point against socialized health-care.
I don’t really care if you are for or against it, but I do care when someone uses false information to make a point! And it really makes me angry when this false information is about ...
Rick Santorum actually accuses my country of killing the elderly!!!
He also mentions that 10% of all elderly are being euthanized against their will and that old people wear bracelets that say, “Please don’t euthanize me!”
I truly wished that mr Santorum would check out the facts instead of just using a sleazy story once produced by Fox, to spike their numbers!
No, we don’t include Fox in our tv-channels, we prefer truthful news!
This presidential candidate doesn’t seem to think he might check his facts. Nor does he seem to understand international policies. Much of Europe has socialized medicine and he didn’t make any brownie-points for the USA with such a statement.
I hope he doesn’t start any false rumors about the Middle East, we might be in another war!
Rachel Madden mentioned in her talk-show, “The Dutch are not amused!”
No, and this man is not a good presidential candidate, he could get the USA in big trouble!
My parents are elderly and have received wonderful care from doctors and nurses during recent hospital stays. Also, a chairlift has been installed in their home a few months ago (part of socialized healthcare) so they can stay in their own home longer and be independent and happy!
A local doctor stops in unannounced now and then!
Now here is the REAL SCOOP!
Only terminally ill may request to be aided into a peaceful parting of this world. There are signatures required from: the doctor, the patient, and two family members.
Some people agree with this, others don’t ... it depends on your religious beliefs!
I know Dr, Kavorkian died in jail at the age of 83 due to his believes. Many people may agree or disagree if we have the right to aid a terminally ill patient.
But that is not what this is about! It is not about the right to die!
Rick Santorum uses Holland to fight against socialized healthcare, without learning the facts!
He is wrong, we don’t kill our elderly ... we care for them as well as we can and we promote independent living and dignity .... as long as we can. Only a small percentage ASKS for help to leave this life!
Actually it's two doctors who have to consent.